Wednesday 29 June 2011

day in the life

  1. on getting up first thing test my blood 8.9 not too bad, missed my usual round of toast but had two cups of tea, did a radio interview for BBC Radio Cambridgeshire 10 mins it went really well I thought, complimented by the program producer, took the dog for a walk pain starts difficulty walking, took my daughter to town to try and get my grandson a tennis racket as the one he had was all but destroyed by a school bully, unfortunately sold out, came home replaced the wing mirror quite an easy job as it turns out, had dinner been naughty today chips and scollop's with b and b not good really had to take 30 units of Nova to compensate, suddenly realised that I have not taken my tablets today 2pm had to rush and take them, watched the tennis still watching Andy Murry

Saturday 21 May 2011

long day

home yesterday, became very tired, asleep most of the afternoon and evening, just could not get going, went to bed at 10pm fell asleep again, woke at 6.30am very tired, my diabetes seems to have got out of hand

Wednesday 6 April 2011


Can you believe that our health is in safe hands I think not, it is sad that when a government takes power the first thing to do is to change the NHS for the better, it needs looking at but not the changes that are being suggested